Half-Pass A Different Ballgame

Jean Luc Cornille

Online Equine course

A video and private forum with Jean Luc Cornille

For Christmas, offer to yourself and your friends the gift of knowledge. Offer to your horse the gift of soundness. The science of Motion's Christmas and new year Forum is the in-depth understanding of half pass. The study's title is "A different ball game" because half pass, in the light of actual knowledge, is a different ball game. An adequately used half pass is the best exercise for developing the back muscles in the thoracic area. Horses with a hollowed back and difficulty transmitting the thrust of the hind legs forward through the thoracolumbar spine can significantly benefit from half pass. However, the half pass benefiting the horse is not the one described in the judging standards. The forum expands the initial with the same pertinence and outstanding information as the actual SIJ forum.  Jean Luc

This discussion turns around half pass because it is a move that almost everybody performs. However, the movement is approached here from the perspective of tensegrity, integrity. This new level of knowledge explains and clarifies what the equitation of the correct aids cannot understand.

It is not about submitting the horse to the movement. It is about guiding the horse mental a physical research toward efficient orchestration of the horse's physique.

Riding in Integrity; a Truly Different Ball Game

A video and private forum with Jean Luc Cornille

$125. USD

Course is for 4 weeks

Starts December 18th
